作者:羅文琦 甄文俊王抒 王永忠 王懷斌 作者單位: Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Beijing Hospital, Beijing 100730, China
關鍵詞:一氧化氮 雌二醇 心血管藥物 硝酸甘油 藥代動力學 英文關鍵詞: Nitric oxide Estradiol Cardiovascular agents Nitroglycein Pharmacokinetics 分類號: R5 刊名:《中華胸心血管外科雜志》 英文刊名: CHINESE JOURNAL OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY 期刊類別: R6 出版年份/卷/刊期: 2008/24/04 欄目:臨床研究 頁碼: 255-257 摘要:目的 觀察17β雌二醇(E2)、辛伐他汀和異搏定一硝酸甘油復合溶液(V-C)在短時間內對體外培養的人臍帶靜脈內皮細胞(HUVECs)合成一氧化氮(NO)功能的影響.方法 HUVECs分別用17β-E2(10-5mol/L)、辛伐他汀(10-9mol/L)和V-G溶液孵育30、60、120min后應用試劑盒測定NO的生成量,內皮細胞的總一氧化氮合酶(tNoS)活性,并用RT-PCR方法測定對內皮細胞一氧化氮合酶(eNOS)mRNA表達的影響.結果 17β-E2、辛伐他汀和V-G溶液作用30、60和120 min后可以使NO的生成量增加(P<0.05);17β-E2和辛伐他汀在作用30、60min時能夠增加tNOS活性,但作用時120mintNOS的活性降低(P<0.05);V-G溶液在作用30、60和120 min時均能夠增加HUVECs的tNOS活性(P<0.05);17β-E2、辛伐他汀和v-G溶液在作用120min后對eNOS的mRNA水平無影響(P>0.05).結論 短時間內17β-E2、辛伐他汀和v-G溶液能夠影響內皮細胞的tNos,增加內皮細胞的NO合成功能,V-G溶液的保護效果要優于前兩者. 英文摘要: Objective To investigate the effect of 17β-estrogen(E2), simvastatin and verapamil-nitrogtycerin (V-G) solution on the synthesise of NO in human umbilical vein cells (HUVECs). Methods HUVECs were treated with 17β-E2, simvastatin and V-G solution for 30 min, 60 min and 120 min, respectively. NO production and tNOS activity were measured with NO and tNOS re- agent box. levels of mRNA of endothelial nitric oxide synthase(eNOS) were examined with reverse transcriplion polymerase chain re- action (RT-PCR) after the HUVECs were incubated for 120 min. Results There was a significant increase of NO production after treating HUVECs with 17β-E2, simvastatin and V-G solution for 30, 60 and 120 minutes. The level of tNOS activity was significantly increased after treated with 17β-E2 and simvastatin for 30 and 60 minutes, but it declined after 120 minutes. V-G solution could in- crease tNOS activity at 3 time points. There were no difference in eNOS mRNA levels among 17β-E2, simvastatin and V-G solution at 120 min (P>0.05). Conclusion NO production of HUVECs could be increased by 17β-E2, simvastatin and V-G solution.
Tag: 臍帶血| 臍帶| 臍帶幹細胞| 脂肪幹細胞| 胎盤幹細胞| 羊胎水| 抗衰老|